Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Are there Pilate coins on the Shroud of Turin?

This is the ultimate book for the study of Pontius Pilate's coins. For Christians, the name "Pontius Pilate" is known for one reason. He has the dubious distinction of being connected with statements of faith; in the Apostles' or Nicene Creed. For Jews, Pilate was the official emblem of their foreign oppressor and this crucifixion was no different than many others the Romans performed during the subjugation of their land. The authors have gathered all available information concerning the man, his time and his coins. In the final analysis, it is the coins themselves, except for one fragmentary inscription, that provide the most tangible evidence of his period in history. Another outstanding aspect in this research is the contribution it provides to ongoing controversy over proposed Pontius Pilate coins over the eyes of the Turin shroud. Some general awareness of these Pilate coins has developed in light of on-going debates over the alleged coin images on the Turin shroud, but that debate has confused and even hampered close examination of the coins themselves. The fact of Pilate cannot be denied, although his relation to Jesus is a matter of faith. The goal of this work The Coins of Pontius Pilate is to solve important questions like Who was Pontius Pilate? How do his coins relate to Jesus? This book explores how we divide myth from fact! Click HERE to read sample chapters from this work! The co-authors, Jean-Phillipe Fontanille and Sheldon Lee Gosline, blend their expertise into a remarkably detailed study. In the words of David Hendin, Fellow of the American Numismatic Society, "it is the first time a person has gathered, from both primary and secondary sources, all the relevant information, historic, religious, and numismatic information about Pontius Pilate".

The Coins of Pontius Pilate

MPM 4:
The Coins of Pontius Pilate

by Profs. Jean-Philippe Fontanille and Sheldon Gosline
ISBN 0-9677201-4-1, $39.95 Cloth Bound
ISBN 0-9677201-5-X, $31.00 Paperback